Letters Across Time

Letters Across Time (LXT) is a unique subscription based storytelling service, where you get real letters mailed to you.  Each set of letters tells a single story and lasts about 3 months.  For only $25, you get letters in your mailbox from interesting characters, every other week.  Finally, there is a reason to open your mail.


How about a free sample?

Sure!  A number of our stories have free prequels we can email you.  You’ll get three emails over the next week, telling the first part of those stories.  Once you find a story you like, you can pick up the story from there in your mail, or we can mail you those first letters as well.


How do I pick a story? – However you want!

Read short synopses of all the stories on the Letters Page or


Browse by type of letters or

See the stories with free samples

That should cover almost everything, but if you still have questions, check our Frequently Asked Questions page for more!