Frequent Questions

How many letters do I get?

The normal set is 6 letters, the prequels are 3 additional letters. Email letters are sent a couple days apart, while physical letters are sent about every 2 weeks.

What ages are the stories for?

Currently, all our stories are written for adults. There may be some adult content in any off them, light language, death, etc, so we do not recommend the stories for children.  We know some adults do not enjoy that kind of thing either, so anything with especially descriptive violence will have a disclaimer at the top of the product description.  We do not plan to have stories with excessive language or sexual content, as they usually are not essential for a story.  However, if that ever changes, those stories would have disclaimers as well.  If you have any specific concerns, please contact us and we will do our best to let you know whether a story is for you.

How do I get the letters?

We mail all our letters USPS 1st class mail, just like most other letters. USPS can ship anywhere in the world. (USPS stands for United States Postal Service)

What about the free letters?

The free samples or prequels are the first 3 letters in a longer, 9 letter storyline.  We call them prequels, but a lot of the time they are really just the first bit of a longer story, not a distinct prequel.  We email these out for free so you can get a feel for the writing and the story.  The page for the letter set will have a place to sign up for the free emails if there are any.  You can also look at the category “prequels” to only see which stories have a free sample.

When will the letters arrive?

We can’t guarantee mail time, but we will send the first letter out within a few days, subsequent letters will be mailed about every two weeks. Transit times to the continental US should be 3 days or less. USPS estimates 7-21 days internationally but doesn’t guarantee any specific times.

If you need rush shipping internationally, please contact us. Rush postage isn’t cheap, but we will do everything we can to get them for you when you need them.

Can I give letters as a gift? When do I order for a gift?

Absolutely! We recommend adding the printed prequel, if any, and we will mail them the first letter(s) with your note, then mail the rest regularly. If you want, you can also have the prequel or first letter sent to you so you can give it to them on their special day, and we will mail the rest starting on the date you give us.

Order anytime you want, just make sure you add “Order Notes” during checkout telling us when you would like the first ones put in the mail and any note you would like us to include. You can also ask us to mail the first letter to a different address, and give us a date for the rest, allowing you to give them the first letter yourself, with the rest sent exactly when you want. Please be very clear with your request, since we don’t charge anything extra, we can’t reach out for clarification. We will always make our best efforts, but sometimes we will have to just make a best guess based on your comments.

Can I get the first letter faster?

If you want the first letter faster, Priority mail is an option. Priority Mail only applies to the first letter or bundle, the rest of the letters will still come slower.

Can I get them closer together?

Right now, we do not offer a faster delivery rate, we think 2 weeks is a great amount to maximize the feel of a letter and make sure you have plenty of time to read the previous letter before the next one arrives. It also makes sure you get the letters in the correct order, even if your letter takes the scenic route to your mailbox.

How do you pay your writers?

The writers get a cut of every single sale. At first, they actually get most of the expected profit until they reach an agreed amount, then it drops to a lower, but still nice residual amount for every additional copy. The majority of the price goes towards labor and supplies: small batch printing and stamps add up in cost.

I want to be a writer for LXT!

Great!  We are still looking for more writers.  First, you need to know we currently only pay when your letters sell, so don’t think of this as a way to buy pizza next week – it takes time.  To apply, send us a little of something you have written before, that shows your creativity and storytelling skills.  Also include what type of stories you like to write. (broad strokes only, no pitches please) We’ll get back to you as soon as we can either way, and explain more about working together.

I love this!  How can I help?

Tell everyone!  Follow us on social media and share our posts with your friends.  Buy our letters as gifts for other people, and in general help cheer us on!  At this point, the most important and helpful thing you can do is get the word out.  That will help us grow and keep creating awesome stories for you.

I have another question!

Great! Please use the contact page and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. Since this is a passion project, we do not have a full time staff, so please allow up to 72 hours for a reply.